Blockchain Games


Blockchain Game

StarHeroes cover image
Release date: 5/21/2024 (7 months ago)

StarHeroes is a top-quality third-person space shooter (TPS) which combines the best features of games like Everspace, Fortnite or Counter-Strike. All this is to provide the player with dynamic multiplayer spaceship combat. In the game, you take on the role of a spaceship pilot - Star Hero - who, along with his team, competes against other players in one of two modes: Adventure Mode or Ranked Mode. Both modes are skill-based and free to play, as we believe sustainable economy needs to be based on the fun arising from playing a game rather than playing to earn.

  • NFT(347)
  • Multiplayer(265)
  • Crypto(215)
  • Windows(202)
  • Third person(124)
  • Shooter(76)
  • Science fiction(61)
  • Space(11)
  • Battle(9)
  • Space Shooter(1)

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