Blockchain Games


Blockchain Game

Metarun cover image
Release date: 9/26/2022 (2 years ago)

Metarun is the world’s first free-to-play & play-to-earn multiplayer mobile runner game. Built on Unreal Engine 5 and powered by the BNB chain. Dive into the mysterious world of Danvig, where the circle of time restarts again and again.

    • NFT(324)
    • Multiplayer(242)
    • Crypto(194)
    • Single player(180)
    • Action(139)
    • Android(109)
    • Third person(107)
    • iOS(90)
    • Metaverse(55)
    • Play to Earn(45)
    • Arcade(39)
    • Unreal Engine 5(31)